Remember to report examples to become edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in pink or orange. 後來才知道那個人就是做代儲的,有一陣子好像最低價吧還申請我公會的賴群想打廣告之類的 遊戲賺錢,線上遊戲本身就是虛擬東西,你有想過為什麼�
Remember to report examples to become edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in pink or orange. 後來才知道那個人就是做代儲的,有一陣子好像最低價吧還申請我公會的賴群想打廣告之類的 遊戲賺錢,線上遊戲本身就是虛擬東西,你有想過為什麼�